Come and enjoy a weekend with international students from all around the world!
We have booked a house in the city of Essen. There we will have lots of time for games and sports. Furthermore, we will discuss Bible stories and discover more about Jesus together.
You do not need to have any prior knowledge of Christianity or the Bible. International students from every religion and nation are welcome! Moreover, German students who bring their international friends are invited to join us. We will speak English, but are happy to translate into other languages, too.
Here you can find some key data before registering for the camp:
When: November 24-26, 2023.
Where: Landheim at the Baldeney Lake (Essen)
Registration Fee: 45 €
Also, since this will be an international camp, we would love to know where you are from.
So please state us your hometown or home country with your registration!
If you have further questions contact Markus.
We are looking forward to seeing you!